The world is a beautiful place, full of marvellous sights to be seen. These are some of them.

Roiling clouds covering the peak of the Zinalrothorn in Switzerland's Valais.

The Swiss alps are wonderful to hike in. This otherworldly picture was taken in the Glarus Alps.

The Klöntalersee in Switzerland is surrounced by mountains on all sides.

The Kinderdijk is everyone's cliché dream of how the Netherlands look.

Windmills in the Netherlands were not meant to mill but to power waterpumps drying out the land that they claimed form the ocean.

The Europaweg is a hike through the Swiss, French and Italian alps. This was taken close to Grächen in the Valais.

As the sun sets and in the Alps the air cools, the humidity condenses and pools in the valley below.

As impressive as the massive stone is, the Alps start out as softly rolling hills. Here the sun sets across from the foothills, bathing the Swiss midlands in soft light.

The craggy peaks provide a nice contrast to the soft light of the setting sun.

An old picture of mine: spawned from trying out my first ND filter. I still like it, left the slight tint of the ND filter intact as it creates the feel of a Turner painting.

Men and beast share the beach of Netherland's Sheveningen.